Sunday, June 1, 2008

Maid of Honour

I want more but it's only so much my mouth can hold...
Perhaps I can take in more lying on my tummy?
I'll help myself while mommy's busy yakking

I'm without part-time domestic help for the next 3 weeks as BL is on home leave. It's been a while since I last picked up the vacum and mop, but it was no sweat. As usual, Hubby and moi split the work as was agreed before we had part-time help. Albeit I was a bit tired after the 'workout', but nothing beats walking on squeaky clean floors and knowing the house is spick and span. I'm happy.

Charsiew and kampong came over for the evening - Madi was called up for standby flight. Hubby made us pancakes with vanilla ice-cream and mandarin oranges. Never knew instant pancake mixture can taste this good (Singlong brand). I'm saying this because I can count the number of times I've eaten pancakes to date. The kids like it espcially Isabel, she finished everything in lightning speed. I gave her a second helping of ice-cream which she of course happily devoured every slurp of it.