Saturday, May 3, 2008

One down and two to go!!!

My day started at the crack of dawn *yawn*... I'm not suffering from insomnia nor is it a working day for me but something more imperative - sat for my first paper this morning after 5 years break from school. By 9am I left my cosy pigeon-hole for the battlefield and the ride, despite the usual traffic congestion, seems like a shorter journey or was I nervous? Had butterfiles in my stomach when we were told to turn over the paper... 15 mins felt like forever as I can't wait to start, in case my data storage goes kaput. So many things to write but so little time on hand (sounds familiar?). When the 2 hr was up we had to stop writing when the invigilator said so. Wish I had penned this down, "Dear examiner, I absolutely have more to write but with the limited time given I can only produce this much for your kind perusal. However, please do not hesitate to contact me should you need clarification." You think I'll be awarded extra mark(s) for wit or creativity??

Anyway, I'm mentally prepared for the worst... oh boy... the thought of it makes me shudder... Times like this I would like to borrow the famous lines of LTW... "it matters not when you try and fail and try fail again... it matters most when you try and fail and fail to try again." It's been eons since I last heard/used this phrase so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Lunched at the Bt Timah hawker centre and tried the $2 carrot cake (recommended by Channel U) and satay beehoon which are among some of the popular stalls there. The carrot cake was soft and they were generous with eggs, and to top it up, it was prepared by an attractive looking young lady. So, it was babe-licious *slurp*. The latter has a smooth texture to the gravy with a slight hint of spices but there wasn't enough to coat the generous portion of beehoon so it felt a bit dry. I would say it's comparable to the one at East Coast Lagoon and AMK Central. It was a good lunch in spite of the sweltering heat.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kiddy parties

Attended Aleesha's first b'day party at Aloha resort yesterday. Tell you, kids these days are just so fortunate compared to us back then. I remember my parents threw a party for my first b'day too, but with much lesser fanfare of course. Food was simple, finger food and desserts. But y'day's party was nicely done up with personalized balloons, decor, games and accessories for every kid. The birthday cake was made up of cupcakes, very pretty. Food was good. Sal catered from a nasi padang stall at Hougang Point, although she had a bit of a difficulty trying to coordinate with the stall owner - very atas (proud in Malay) but I think it was worth the trouble. The beef rendang was tender and tasty and the masak merah was equally good, and they even had a dessert I've not tried for a long time - green bean soup with durian! Didn't try it as I was already full with the main course but Hubby did, and he slurpped up everything so I reckon it must be good.

Someone commented kids' parties are always boring esp for us DINKs, which I agree. The next time when I'm invited to one again I'll make sure to check the guest list before rsvp-ing. Otherwise, we'll be bored to death, literally.

Tomorrow's D-day for me. So, time to hit the books (again)... Till then, stay tuned for the latest.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


It's hard not to gain weight after joining the new company. It has been non-stop of feasting and drinking, but I like it. Our office never runs out of food or snacks, food is always within reach so one never goes hungry, or so I say. We also find time to chill out after a hard day's work. There's spirits for mixture or wine to fill many glasses, you name it we could possibly have it. When they say, 'food is the way to a man's heart'; I would like to add, food is also another source of bonding between people, and that is exactly what we do in the office. Occassionally, we'll organize a tea session where everyone will come together for quick bites and chit chat. Of course there's always the drink for every occassion, wine, to complement the good company. Now, even Hubby is contemplating if he should also start the drinks cum bonding culture in his office. I say, go for it, man!