Tuesday, April 29, 2008


It's hard not to gain weight after joining the new company. It has been non-stop of feasting and drinking, but I like it. Our office never runs out of food or snacks, food is always within reach so one never goes hungry, or so I say. We also find time to chill out after a hard day's work. There's spirits for mixture or wine to fill many glasses, you name it we could possibly have it. When they say, 'food is the way to a man's heart'; I would like to add, food is also another source of bonding between people, and that is exactly what we do in the office. Occassionally, we'll organize a tea session where everyone will come together for quick bites and chit chat. Of course there's always the drink for every occassion, wine, to complement the good company. Now, even Hubby is contemplating if he should also start the drinks cum bonding culture in his office. I say, go for it, man!

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