Saturday, February 14, 2009

Found out only at 5-ish that there is a beehive 50m from our apartment! I've never been so up, close, but not personal with bees. I got goose bumps just looking at the swarm of bees flying around. Ewwwww!


Sigh... Looks like Tinker and Belle (yes, I changed their names again) cannot be pals after all. Not sure if they simply cannot see eye-to-eye or are they fighting for Rhino's attention, because I noticed this morning that Belle was quite badly hurt from their hamster fights. So, to end Belle's agony I've isolated Tinker and she'll be crooning, "All by myself, dun wanna be... All by myself" tonite on Valentine's Day. Sorry Tinker, this may be a permanent arrangement because you have to pay for your mistakes.

Monday, February 9, 2009

15 days into the year of the Ox and today is commonly known as 元宵节. Most families will come together tonight for another round of reunion dinner, which I did with my in-laws. It was a simpler affair but the food was good and so was the company. Cleo told me she was looking forward to the Yusheng and when I started counting I've had 9 rounds (including tonight) of Lo Hei sessions but it's still not enough. Hubby bought 2 sets of fusion Yusheng which we'll just have it for fun later on.

The readings for Oxen has been unfavourable although it's our year, for crying out loud... Nevertheless, I will try to overcome all odds there may be and try to make the most out of every opportunity that presents itself. As I believe you coin your own fate to a certain extent, and when there's a will there's a way. Life is never a bed of roses and it's up to oneself to make good of it.
'We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope' ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stuart is a female thus I have to give her a new name and it's going to be Star. Effectively this afternoon Star was joined by 2 other new family members - Twinkle and Rhino. The intention was to get another hamster to keep Star company, then I was told there's a chance of them fighting so I decided to get 2 hamsters instead hoping one of it will be a neutral party. So far so good, they have been living in harmony - World Peace!

When I start shopping I can't stop... the shopaholic in me tried to refrain from spending but could not hold back my 'excitement' when I saw the cute cages. At last, I decided to get them a decent cage they can call home. It's such a pretty cage I can't help but keep admiring it ; D

Btween the 2, I still can't differentiate between Rhino or Twinkle, but I'll get there, somehow