Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pregnancy Woes

No. I know the title is misleading but I'm not the least pregnant and this entry is not about moi...

When I left EZI J's tummy was not even showing at 12 weeks, but when I saw her again yesterday she was so pregnant. J is into her last trimester. But, J is not forunate like most Mommy-to-be; her baby has cleft lip and and palate which affects 600 - 800 births. I was shell shocked when I heard it for the first time and all I could do was to hold her hand and say it will be alright. She first found out in Mar during the first detailed scan, and if this is not bad enough she had another round of scan yesterday and this time the doctor told her the nose is affected too. She was told the baby will have to go under the knife twice for plastic surgery at 3 and 9 months respectively. Following that, the baby will have to receive speech therapy. Although cleft is easily treatable it depends also on the severity of the condition. I told her to try and maintain a positive mindset, at least the baby's healthy.

I've always thought pregnancy is a joy and you worry only about weight gain and hormonal changes, never has it occured to moi something like this would happen to the people around me, because I won't even wish for this to befall on my worst enemy... Who doesn't want their child to be normal and healthy. But if the child has birth defect it's no one's fault, be it hereditary or unexplained, if it's meant to be it's meant to be. I hope and wish for the best for J, M and their baby girl, as they will grow stronger as a couple and parent.

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