Thursday, March 5, 2009

I've been pre-occupied with school assignments that I've not had the chance to blog as often now. This is the last semester and I'm dreading every moment of it. Back-to-back lectures 3 nites a week, endless essays to complete and packed deadlines, how can I be enjoying life at the rate it's going? Worst, my panda eyes are back!!! Sigh... I swear I will celebrate after the last lecture on April 9th. I'm really counting down to the day.

So many things happened over the last weeks or so. I think the most significant event would be my medical report which was collected 2 weeks ago, and glad to announce I'm healthy except for borderline high cholesterol which I'll have to abstain from seafood for a while. Oh, I also found I need to go back for my Hep A & B booster shot soon as the readings are pretty low. oh dear... One more item on my to-do.
Oh yes, I finally had the fruit cake baked my Carol. Good job! Even hubby thinks it's nicely done. Keep it up ; )

Gotta snooze soon as I need to prepare for a group presentation tomorrow. Not sure how I'll fare. Stay tuned.