Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Melbourne Part II

Yarra Valley

Great Ocean Road

The drive along Great Ocean Road that stretches 243 km along the south-eastern coast of Australia was an exciting and spectacular experience for me. We rented a Mitsubishi Outlander, a 2.5 litre SUV, so you can imagine how thrilling an experience it was for me! Yo hoooo...
A bit of history - According to Wiki the road was constructed to provide work for returning soldiers and dedicated as a Memorial to those killed in WWI.

The 12 Apostles

Cape Otway Lighthouse

The lighthouse standing at 91 metres above the ocean sits on a magnificent tip of southern coastline and is the oldest lighthouse on the mainland. Weather forecast that day was 4 degrees but with the wind factor it was -14 degrees!!! I was freezing but the breathtaking view made up for the cold. Beautiful...

Spotted this Koala bear on our drive back from 12 Apostles. They are such endearing animals I wish I could bring it home with me.


charsiewrice said...

i like picture no. 3 and the last one!

One-2-Zero said...

It's so cute I tell you. Will show u the full collection when u come over the next time.