Sunday, January 17, 2010

Resort World Sentosa

Last weekend I had the pleasure of a sneak preview of one of the two of our nation's newest addition, RWS (Resort World Sentosa). Here we go...

Hard Rock Hotel

The hotel launched a soft opening last weekend; staff and guests were invited to stay over for at special rates in exchange for their feedback post stay. I wasn't keen as non of the hotel's facility was ready and of course it was a definite no-no for Hubby as he already has clocked enough visits (7 days a week to be exact) to qualify for sentosa residency if there's ever one.

Hotel Reception
Hotel Lobby. The seats are uber cool and comfortable too.
The bar counter is conveniently located in the centre of the lobby so no one can miss it. There'll always be waiting staff around to take orders and if they do spot you they'll come up to you without you gesturing to them. Tried their mojito and it was quite refreshing for a Saturday afternoon.
In case you can't see the it clearly, this is the Rock Shop
Need I introduce this place? Go there if you have money to roll and maybe you'll end up on the prestige list to quality for free room nights at the Crawford Hotel.

Entrance to the casino. Come to mama... put money, win money? Pray hard lady luck is with you.

See the gantries? Due to tight security I was not able to get in for a quick tour. But do I want to pay $100? Hmm... not sure but unlikely

If you have the money to roll but averse to risk then go to the Galleria for some retail therapy. There's Cartier, Bvlgari, Chopard, Bally, Shanghai Tang, Swavroski, you name it they should it.

Universal Studio
(Verdict: It's worth the $70 entrance fee)

The Revenge of The Mummy

One of my favourites - Far Far Away Land

Another angle of Far Far Away Land


Ah ha! This one I like. This roller coaster is going to make your world go round...

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