Sunday, September 5, 2010

A note to my dearest friend, Vicki

Dear Vicki,

If I had known this is going to happen I would have tried all means to prevent it from happening. It pains me now seeing you suffer and yet there's nothing I can do to help relieve the pain. If there's anything I could ask for now is for you to talk to me and tell me what you need. You have stopped barking when you see the hamster, but I can tell you are still excited at the sight of her because your tail still wags uncontollably. You no longer walk around the house like you used to, instead, each step is taken with tremendous effort. You have lost your interest in your favourite pastime - eating - because even bah kwa no longer excites you. The best you could do now is to try to make your way to the kitchen for water, and that's all that could excite you for now. But my friend, you need to eat to be strong again, you need food to take your medication. I'm sorry we had to force feed you with milo last night as I needed to get the medication into your system to aid in your recovery. Do you know how much fear there is in me when I know it's time for your injections? I dread the moment, no, I'm not afraid of needles, I'm fearful that you might throw up again after the Vitamin B shot because the nurse told me it should not happen after every shot but twice it happened. I know it hurts a I can tell from your expression. Trust me, I will try to do anything I could to make you feel better.

Don't worry about wetting the bed or not peeing on the designated area. I understand. It happens and we just have to take it one step at a time. Dogs are like humans, your health deteriorates with age but with the right medical care I know you will get well soon. You are a strong girl and we will overcome this together.

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