Monday, July 21, 2008

Pork Rib Talks... Oven Walks

Dun ask me what title is that as I'm also not sure. Simply adopted it from the show "Coffee Talks Hawker Walks". How lame.

Tried preparing a meal with my new "toy" last Sat and it turned out pretty well. We bought 1.5 slab of pork ribs only to find out later they are meant for Bah Kut Teh. But at least it tasted quite good with my seasoning (it was done spontaneously) that consists of oyster sauce, plum sauce, sesame oil and a good dose of shiraz glaze... and it was ab-fab, man! The sausages went very well with grilled cherry tomatoes and olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme.

Tried a new bottle of wine - Lengs & Cooters, Shiraz. It's easy to drink and light-bodied with a hint of spice.

Finally managed to squeeze out some time to visit Sean, E and SP's latest (and hopefully last) addition. He's a pretty big baby for a 2 month old and adorable looking like most babies. He's also a smiley boy because I caught him similing a few times, though I'm not sure who he was similing at.

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