Sunday, August 31, 2008

An Eventful Week

Sis sms to says Mom is experiencing chest pain. I packed up immediately and left for A&E at SGH. Papa was alone as Sis had an event that day. Remember the last time we were there was about 5 years ago when Mom had her first mild attack. Anyway, doctor did all the tests and ascertain it was another seizure. It has been twice lucky as both times Papa was with her.
I've never spent so much time in A&E. We waited... and waited... and waited... and the by the time Mom was wheeled into the observation ward it was past 8pm. Staff nurse told me they were experiencing a high number of adminssions for cardiac cases that day plus all the wards are full so we have no choice but to wait.
Mummy was happy because she can be discharged. Did all the paperworks and headed home. But this is not the end as she is due back on the 16th for Angioplasty.
Shortly after dinner I received another call from Sis to say that Mummy's not well. She looked horrible with swollen eyes, redness all over and at one point, went into a seizure. Luckily Papa and Sis were home. Doctor said Mummy was distressed with her condition that her BP level dropped significantly. This time, she was diagnosed with food allergy and the culprit is prawn. So going forward no more prawns, period.
I'm quite impressed by the service level at TTSH, although more could be done at the screening area as they are obviously under staffed. Admission was pretty swift but wait for the on-call doctor was looong... saw him only at 1am. Young chap who can't even say the medication in full. He asked if there was any Med and for a while I was thiking what Maths?!!! Sorry lah, after all the saga I really can't think straight. And the parting words were, "Cool. Your mom is fine...".
"The groundwork of all happiness is health" - Leigh Hunt

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