Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life resumes

This morning B told me she is leaving the company. I'm not surprised because she does not belong to the working class; she's born with a silver spoon and her family is well connected, so filthy rich is the right description for her. Anyway, shortly after she went around the office announcing her pending departure (but she has not submitted the letter to boss yet) she came up with the following suggestions - one leads to another...

1) maybe the company can revise her contract to work once a month... and
2) maybe, and if need be, she can render some help for 2 major events next year... and
3) maybe let her keep her email account

C'mon, if you have made your mind to leave, just go, dun create unnecessary work/issues for us. I have no doubt we can manage without her, which is as easy as lifting a finger to flip a page, and I kid you not. But YL and me thinks the bosses are RELUCTANT to see her go for obvious reasons. IMO, she is expensive to keep and of little value add where work is concerned. All along I've had low tolerance for slackers but this time I have to make an exception. Life sucks!

Btw, she is a nice person but that alone is not enough, if you know what I mean.

I've told myself I will shoot whichever candidate who emails across their resumes in PDF version. I had to re-type a few today and they sure write a lot... pain in the butt! Suggested to IT to pluuuuuur-ease buy the conversion software and was told it's pending for approval. It's under $200 for goodness sake, if it doesn't go thru I will pay for it myself.


Anonymous said...

When you get the 'pdf converter', can 'save' one copy for me pls...?...


One-2-Zero said...

But of course ;)